Monday, May 12, 2008

Post-Neo Electromagnetic Modulation

On Saturday June 28th at 9am Eastern Standard Time tune your radio or aim your computer at WFMU and your ears will be massaged with the sweet sweet sounds of Post-Neo Absurdism!

That is correct, we will be on the mighty WFMU! Turning their "Listener Hour" into the glorious 60 minute sink hole of sound called FOB SLOP LYMPH AND A BEAN: The Post-NeoAbsurdist Miraculous Anti-Hour! Here we will present only the finest of the finer things, mainly consisting of Post Neo documents, recordings, and releases from far and wide, spanning all reaches of space-time.

Even though Olchar and Warren have a bottomless chalice that overflows with Post-Neo Absurist recordings, we would like to ask, that if any of YOU out there on the interwebs have something of particular interest, importance, or otherwise, send it our way. Please keep in mind 2 things while making your selections: 1) brevity is key, as we have only one hour to cram in as much nonsense as possible, and 2) that the government of this great nation does not tolerate naughty words on the radio so NO CURSING! Besides that, anything goes.

I completely forgot in my drug induced stupor (There is currently a battle royal in my head between allergies and a head cold) to mention the most delectable part of the Miraculous Anti-Hour, Audio Pudding!
And by pudding I mean a wonderful mishmash of this-and-thats, what-have-yous, and here-nor-theres ALLLLLLL created in by you and us! Send me, Reid, an mp3, 30 seconds or less, of your wondrous slop so we can bake a delicious audio pudding to finish off the show with. As said before, the only rule is no cursing! See the comments section for my email address and best of luck to you all!

Hear you soon,


tomislav said...

Do we send it to you or will we be compiling this at our ANTI- house?

reid said...

send it to me
reidbingham .at. gmail .dot. com